
An 009 Gauge layout which was first shown at an early stage of construction at the Croydon MRS Exhibition in 2018.

This layout is freelance and of no particular location other than in the UK in Edwardian times.

Initially just some buildings were built to use up bits and pieces from my overflowing odds and ends box. Having built the buildings I then needed somewhere to put them hence the layout. The track is Peco crazy streamline with buildings etc scratchbuilt except for one or two kits which have been modified or enhanced.

The few locos currently on the layout were mainly built by Paul Windle plus a Minitrix rtr (the only rtr item on the layout) and a Peco kit on a Farrish chassis. More locos are planned once the scenery is finished. All the stock are kits from Dundas, Meridian and the 009 Society but many more are needed.